5 Ways to Get Grittier

About how important Grit is – persistence, mental toughness, why successful people have grit. But how do you cultivate that? I came up with 5 ways to get more grit:
This is the Extra Mile - positive thinking during Covid-19, and I talked yesterday about how important Grit is – persistence, mental toughness, why successful people have grit. But how do you cultivate that? I came up with 5 ways to get more grit:

  1. Challenge yourself daily - try to do something really hard each day. Be 
  2. Invite haters – “To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” Or… invite them, be real, be ok with people disagreeing. I tell people on my team to be in a ‘gotta catch em all’ mindset, because haters will come, especially if you say anything even mildly controversial. Sometimes people lie about what they really believe because they don’t want to be insulted - don’t let that be you!
  3. Do something that seems impossible - the first time I completed a 365 day challenge I felt a sense of relief, I really thought I might not be able to make it. But then I did it 4 more times! Inspire yourself, climb that mountain, finish that giant book, finish Ozark on Netflix - I don’t know, knock it out ;) lol 
  4. Seek discomfort – this mindset is so powerful, and I talked about it yesterday, but doing this regularly practically can be as simple as doing something that socially challenges you. Ask 2 people you ‘idolize’ to chat with you over the phone for 15 min. Maybe they’ll pick you up on it. That’s how I got Grant Cardone + Seth Godin to collaborate on content – shots in the dark, sent a letter, sent an email. Boom - things I didn’t think would ever happen, happened. Bar raised for what’s going to blow my mind. 
  5. Eat the frog – Take your hardest task for the day, and make it the first thing on your to-do list. Maybe even do it before 9am. It’s oddly motivating because everything after that feels easier. 

Those are my 5 practical tips for getting grittier - thanks for following along! Follow the daily podcast on Spotify at hookagency.com/extra

2020 Tim Brown