Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 in total

Kaizen: Continuous Improvement

Kaizen means continuous change, if you break down the characters in Japanese, ‘change good’- it’s self whipping and a sheep on alter... self change + sacrifice for the...

Build Grit Into Your Culture

Angela Duckworth says “If you want to be grittier, find a gritty culture and join it. If you can not find it, then create it.” - company culture forms our identity ...

Eat That Frog

One of the strategies is Brian Tracy’s ‘Eat That Frog” getting the hardest thing on your to-do list done early in the day is the basic idea. - I chat more about this o...

5 Ways to Get Grittier

About how important Grit is – persistence, mental toughness, why successful people have grit. But how do you cultivate that? I came up with 5 ways to get more grit:

Seek Discomfort

David Goggins says motivation is fickle - motivation comes and goes, your going to need something deeper, you’re going to need to steel your resolve and get shit done ...

Be Hardy & Restart Habits

No one is perfect about goal setting and habits - so more important than perfection is the ability to be hearty and return when you fall off.

"Bumpers" Maintain Habits

We’ve talked about vision, goals, and habits… now I want to introduce the under-rated hero.. which I call BUMPERS.

Implement 90-day Habits

The whole idea in The 12 Week Year by Brian Moran is that yearly plans don’t work because too much changes in that amount of time - and 3 months is a good increment.

Break Down Your Big Goals

Why is breaking down your goals so important? Well having a vision is beautiful it can sometimes feel overwhelming so breaking it down can help you see it as manageabl...

A Strong Vision is Energizing

I want you to have a bit of fun and take 15 Minutes and really get your ideal life 5 years from now super clear, so you know exactly what you’re aiming for. Everything...

Acceptance is The Answer

“And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation-some fact of my life unaccept...

Life is Pain

Rather than think is existence is supposed to be comfy, I think it’s useful to come to terms with the brutality of nature – and then be grateful, because if you’re not...

Grateful for The Hustle

Just know yourself and don’t judge other people cause they want to hustle their ass off during this time. That’s just how some people get fulfillment. For me - I don’t...

Man's Search for Meaning

A book that made a particularly big impact on my mindset regarding gratefulness and mindset was “Man’s Search for Meaning”. In it, Victor Frankl talks a lot about how ...

Gratefulness is a Superpower

You see I believe “gratefulness is a superpower” – why? Because it’s really hard to look at all of the awesome things about your life, and feel ‘bummed out’. Try it no...

5 Best Books To Help Positive Thinking

I’m of the mind it takes work to keep yourself positive... and perhaps you want or need something of more substance here... some of these books I’ve read 3 and 5 times...

Wow vs. Ow Mindset

Beware of false summits + are you thinking "Ow" or "Wow" right now?

Trust Yourself

One of the most impactful ways I’ve learned to cultivate a positive mindset is simply to “TRUST MYSELF." Understanding for many things - no one has more information ab...

7 Habits For Positivity

7 Easy habits to be more positive in my experience.

Positivity is Practical

POSITIVITY IS PRACTICAL! I challenge you to comment below – what’s one thing YOU want to be amazing at by the end of lockdown?

2020 Tim Brown