Gratefulness is a Superpower

You see I believe “gratefulness is a superpower” – why? Because it’s really hard to look at all of the awesome things about your life, and feel ‘bummed out’. Try it now – go through and note 3 things you’re grateful for and see if you can maintain the same level of anxiety you had before you started doing it.
The Extra Mile – Positivity during COVID-19 is an opportunity for me to get accountability on running a mile :) and get better about helping others maintain a positive mindset. The next 3 weeks we’ll be going through the 3 categories of practical skills to be more positive - This week – Gratefulness, then Goal-setting, and Grit. The 3 G’s. 

You see I believe “gratefulness is a superpower” – why? Because it’s really hard to look at all of the awesome things about your life, and feel ‘bummed out’. Try it now – go through and note 3 things you’re grateful for and see if you can maintain the same level of anxiety you had before you started doing it. 

Plumbing. boom. Electricity. Boom. Indoor heating & air conditioning. boom. Running water. boom. If you’re lucky to have a smart phone, if you’re able to work for a living, if you have a roof over your head – I can go on and on. It’s great to have ambition – it’s great to be ‘dis-satisfied’ with where you are sometimes, because that’ll help drive you to get to the next level… 

But sometimes you just gotta say HOLY SHIT – look how far I’ve come. That’s gratefulness man. And the pathways in your brain may steer you towards other patterns if you don’t constantly, consciously create new patterns. 

The pattern should be – gratefulness. In fact, I’d almost say AWE. And for me that means looking to something bigger than myself, whether that be community, or even a greater, kinder, beautiful force that’s taking care of us. Heck I don’t know – I’m just grateful. There’s a lot of great things going on if we look for them, even during a very scary time. 

Thank you for listening! Quicklink to subscribe on Spotify “” - this is Tim Brown, join me every weekday after my mile run for a couple minutes of positivity. 
2020 Tim Brown