Be Hardy & Restart Habits

No one is perfect about goal setting and habits - so more important than perfection is the ability to be hearty and return when you fall off.
Hey it’s Tim Brown and this is the Extra Mile - positivity during COVID-19. 

No one is perfect about goal setting and habits - so more important than perfection is the ability to be hearty and return when you fall off.

And more important than perfect consistency, is a general rhythm that most of the time you’re making progress. Because that regularity + is where you get that compounding benefit. I just finished a year of doing 365 logos in 365 days - and I was horribly spotty at it, This was my 5th year doing a 365 day challenge and I’m going to chill for a while. 

It is crazy though how much I would progress when I did one thing every day for 30 days in a row though - daily is a beautifully effective rhythm. So my 15 min challenge to you today, is to find one thing you want to better at, and start a 30day challenge and share it on Instagram or social somewhere (which is great for keeping you accountable.)

Next week may be the end of this 4 week weekday challenge for me - if the full lockdown in Minnesota ends, but you can find all these episodes in a mega guide at - Next week I’ll be talking about Grit, and some of ya’all  need more of that too. ;) 

*points at self* 

Talk to you then! Tim brown, subscribe to the daily podcast after my mile run, - thanks for joining.
2020 Tim Brown