A Strong Vision is Energizing

I want you to have a bit of fun and take 15 Minutes and really get your ideal life 5 years from now super clear, so you know exactly what you’re aiming for. Everything I’m going to share with you is in a
Hey it’s Tim Brown and this is the Extra Mile - positivity during COVID-19. I believe in goal-setting, and have deeply enjoyed doing this regularly, and I want to share that with you. I’m basically putting on a goal-setting BOOTCAMP this week! Want to get your vision, goals and habits tight in a 15 minute exercise each a day this week?

Join me for a clear step by step approach to setting an energizing vision, breaking your goals down by 1 year, 3 months, 2 weeks, and week.. habits & bumpers to keep those habits in place, and how to be hearty & get back on your systems when you fall off. 

So today though – I want you to have a bit of fun and take 15 Minutes and really get your ideal life 5 years from now super clear, so you know exactly what you’re aiming for. Everything I’m going to share with you is in a 

Write out your ideal life 5 years from now. Smells, sounds, taste, touch & feel, what you’ll be looking at. How will folks be relating to you, how’s your relationship growing & healthy, family vibes, wealth & health. 

How do you relate to the world? I find it useful to look at 2-3 heroes’ you want to be like - and even come up with a couple words that encompass my aspirational identity - for me I want to be a ‘magnetic listener’ - write down your 2-5 heroes, along with your ‘heroic’ aspirational identity. A couple of words that energize you and describe how you’d like to be. 

If you write these things down along with the smells, sounds, tastes, touch & feel, and relationship of what your ideal life looks like…. It feels GOOD. It helps you look for little creative ways to make more of this stuff happen, and gives you something to shoot for that’s fun. I created a Google Doc template with each of these queries - quicklink hookagency.com/vision (and press copy) 

Also quick link to this podcast on Spotify - hookagency.com/extra (join me every weekday after my mile run for a couple minutes of positivity)
2020 Tim Brown