Break Down Your Big Goals

Why is breaking down your goals so important? Well having a vision is beautiful it can sometimes feel overwhelming so breaking it down can help you see it as manageable and make it way easier to take rhythmic, steady action towards the long term dream.
Hey it’s Tim Brown and this is the Extra Mile - positivity during COVID-19. If you filled out the template from yesterday you have clear 5-year vision and today we’re going to break that down into smaller manageable chunks until we’re looking at the next clear steps towards that vision. (Check out the goal pyramid template I’m going to describe at a little site I spun up for it

Why is breaking down your goals so important? Well having a vision is beautiful it can sometimes feel overwhelming so breaking it down can help you see it as manageable and make it way easier to take rhythmic, steady action towards the long term dream.

So think about it - what steps would you have taken one year from now that lead you strongly along that path towards your 3-5 year goals?

I like to have key goals 5 key categories (for instance I might choose - health & fitness, relationships, money, self-development and spirituality/centeredness- but you can choose your top 5 priorities)

Now once you have your top goal for each of those categories. - Break each of the 5 categories of goals down by 1 year, then by 3 months, then by 2 weeks, and if you want you can plot next steps into the next 3 days..  

Download the free template for this and you can download it at
2020 Tim Brown