Grateful for The Hustle

Just know yourself and don’t judge other people cause they want to hustle their ass off during this time. That’s just how some people get fulfillment. For me - I don’t feel like I have to ‘be in a bad mood’ or that we’re all ‘obviously feeling that way’ - some of us don’t feel like that’s required. ‘ (not saying your not allowed to.) live and let live.
I’ve seen a bunch of messaging out there during this unusual time along the lines of:

  • Just let yourself do what you want.
  • We are all ‘not fine’ during quarantine.
  • People that ‘hustle’ during quarantine and promote that idea are bad

Hey you do lockdown your way - and I’ll do lockdown mine. I don’t judge people really, I just know my brain needs activity to thrive. Am I getting use to a little less action outside of the house, yeah. But I’m treating this like every Christmas break when other people chilled. I used it to get ahead, because that’s what I like.

I like challenging myself. I feel alive when I do something new, and I would be depressed if I ‘took it easy on myself’ or used this time for naps. I’m not you. And I don’t pretend to know what makes you more positive and grateful.

Just know yourself and don’t judge other people cause they want to hustle their ass off during this time. That’s just how some people get fulfillment. For me - I don’t feel like I have to ‘be in a bad mood’ or that we’re all ‘obviously feeling that way’ - some of us don’t feel like that’s required. ‘ (not saying your not allowed to.) live and let live. 

Thank you for listening! Quicklink to subscribe on Spotify “” - this is Tim Brown, join me every weekday after my mile run for a couple minutes of positivity. 

2020 Tim Brown