Seek Discomfort

David Goggins says motivation is fickle - motivation comes and goes, your going to need something deeper, you’re going to need to steel your resolve and get shit done even when you’re not motivated.
This is the Extra Mile - positive thinking during Covid-19, this week we’ll be talking about the important of Grit and how to get more of it, I just tested the ideas in a book called Hell Week, had an 80hr week and I think that’s probably a little over where I stay mentally sharp but I wanted to test my grit.

David Goggins says motivation is fickle - motivation comes and goes, your going to need something deeper, you’re going to need to steel your resolve and get shit done even when you’re not motivated.

Angela Duckworth says that a lot of people that are talented oddly have less grit, count me as one of those people perhaps I always felt like I had a handicap and had to work harder than other people but she also found - that consistently “More grit equaled more success” 

I see so many people seeking comfort. Personally, professionally, and the problem with that is that it’s a phantom. Even if you were swaddled in a machine and bottled fed formula and opioids all day - there would come a day when you’d need more. Comfort is a bottomless pit, and just like ‘novelty and thrills’ seeking it constantly will leave you empty. You have to seek discomfort - oddly it’s the strongest possible flex. Cause discomfort will come - and you’ll be way more mentally resilient if you sought it out vs just let it happen to you against your will. Align with the natural rhythm of life - seek discomfort.

Follow the daily podcast on Spotify (this is the last week!)

This is Tim Brown, thanks for listening!

Bye :)
2020 Tim Brown