Kaizen: Continuous Improvement

Kaizen means continuous change, if you break down the characters in Japanese, ‘change good’- it’s self whipping and a sheep on alter... self change + sacrifice for the greater good basically. You make small sacrifice for the whole group and aren’t just thinking for yourself constantly.
It’s the last Extra Mile - positivity during COVID lockdown, and I’m going to wrap up this series with the Japanese concept of Kaizen..

Kaizen means continuous change, if you break down the characters in Japanese, ‘change good’- it’s self whipping and a sheep on alter... self change + sacrifice for the greater good basically. You make small sacrifice for the whole group and aren’t just thinking for yourself constantly.

Kaizen is this idea that a business never arrives, and the employees are empowered from the ceo down to the assembly line to make continuous improvements, never stop making those improvements, and always making it a little better. As opposed to radical changes or top down management - this is about small, constant rhythmic changes and empowering the team throughout the company.

Small ongoing positive changes can reap significant improvements. What small changes are you going to make today, and how can you better empower your team to own that result?

This has been Tim Brown.
2020 Tim Brown