7 Habits For Positivity

7 Easy habits to be more positive in my experience.
I’m doing this every day during lockdown so I can get good at helping people maintain a positive mindset. 

I don’t do all of these 7 habits to become more positive I’m about to share with you, all of the time - but I do find refreshing habits to keep in a positive mindset is something I need to do quite regularly, and it’s ok to go in bursts.

In my experience here are 7 things that have sincerely helped me be more positive. 

  1. Think of, or write down 3 things your grateful for every morning right when you wake up.
  2. Write a thank you letter a week. Even doing this for 3 months was extremely positive for me. Write to authors or public figures who spoke into you, or helped you, as well as in person mentors parents or teachers. Just a couple ideas. 
  3. Write out how they bad thing could be a good thing... Napoleon Hill said “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”
  4. Unfollow the incessant bad news - go follow @tanksgoodnews on Instagram, good news network.org or UpliftingNews on Reddit
  5. Music - make a habit of curating positive mixes, there’s tons positive wordless playlists for work too - check out hookagency.com/tunes for some
  6. Exercise - endorphins! Yay- you know what I’m talking about.
  7. Meditation - literally just sitting and focusing on your breath is helpful, though apps like Calm make it easier.

No joke - there’s probably 100 more. If you’re watching this, comment below with one to help your fellow anxious humans.. 

I’m grateful I live in the age of the iPhone and can share like this, I’m grateful that anyone ever watches these videos and I’m grateful I can breathe. See 3 things are super easy - think of them each morning :)

Follow the podcast at hookagency.com/extra

2020 Tim Brown