Implement 90-day Habits

The whole idea in The 12 Week Year by Brian Moran is that yearly plans don’t work because too much changes in that amount of time - and 3 months is a good increment.
Habits are huge when it comes to accomplishing the goals you set out for yourself. I like to come up with 5 key goals for a 3 month period, and based on the book 12-week year, create a weekly habit for each of those 3 month goals. 

It’s interesting because we’re starting to get to the super specific moment where we’re implementing HABITS that are directly in line with your DREAMS. HABITS…. DREAMS.

If you did the vision exercise ( and you did the goal pyramid exercise ( you can complement your 3 month goals you’ve cooked up-  with this template to track your weekly habits related to your 3 month goals ( and press copy) It’s from a book called 12 week year, that I highly suggest. 

The whole idea in The 12 Week Year by Brian Moran is that yearly plans don’t work because too much changes in that amount of time - and 3 months is a good increment. 

Another key point is that there are “Leading indicators” and “lagging indicators” of performance, and you need to track the ‘leading indicators’ as weekly or daily habits, get accountability, and implement systems for staying on top of your habits. He also talks a lot about time blocking for the key things you need to get done. 

I really feel like in the end it comes down to this… if you’re not plotting key actions that will drive towards your vision and dream every week – ONTO YOUR TO-DO lists, in specific days… Why do you think you’ll ever accomplish your dream? We got to find ways to make sure our steps towards are vision is systematically hitting our to-do list. Do you have those systems in place?

Check out (and press copy) to use the Google docs habits tracking system, and check out the 12 week year on Amazon! Quick link to this series as a podcast on Spotify - (join me every weekday after my mile run for a couple minutes of positivity)
2020 Tim Brown