"Bumpers" Maintain Habits

We’ve talked about vision, goals, and habits… now I want to introduce the under-rated hero.. which I call BUMPERS.
We’ve talked about vision, goals, and habits… now I want to introduce the under-rated hero.. which I call BUMPERS. 

They say putting out your workout clothes the night before increases your chances of follow through, and in my experience things like this really help. To me – calendar invites, a note on my phone with my to-do list, and anything else that is a nudge like alarms on a phone, or an accountability partner - are bumpers (like you know in bowling) and are the most likely elements to help you stick to your habits. 

Bumpers are beautiful – and  I strongly suggest that you use them heavily in your goal setting and habit creation. A good book around this book - is Atomic Habits, by James Clear - in it, James suggests that you can go real small with your habits, like 2 minute meditation, just as long as you DO IT, it’s the pattern he says that’s important. He gives examples of people that go to the gym day after day even if they didn’t work out - just to get in that rhythm.

So my suggested 15 minute exercise today is super simple. Do you have any ‘bumpers’ that help you stick to your goals? Try to write down 1 or 2 for each of your top 5 goals!

Thanks for listening! Quick link to this series as a podcast on Spotify - hookagency.com/extra (join me every weekday after my mile run for a couple minutes of positivity)
2020 Tim Brown