Eat That Frog

One of the strategies is Brian Tracy’s ‘Eat That Frog” getting the hardest thing on your to-do list done early in the day is the basic idea. - I chat more about this on today's episode.
This is the Extra Mile - positive thinking during Covid-19, and yesterday I talked about 5 ways to get more grit and one of the strategies is Brian Tracy’s ‘Eat That Frog” getting the hardest thing on your to-do list done early in the day is the basic idea. 

I really appreciated a lot of ideas in this book 1. the idea of writing down your three highest value tasks the night before... 2. the idea that saying no is a magical way to create time, and 3. That Writing it down is essential, and there’s something about physically writing that helps engrain our priorities and our goals in our minds. 

Having priorities and sticking to them - is a demonstration of grit. Soft people don’t have self discipline, and lack of self discipline will lead to enjoying life less in my experience. 

Follow the daily podcast on Spotify at , join me every weekday (til the end of the week) after my mile run for a couple minutes of positivity!

This is Tim Brown - thanks for listening :)

2020 Tim Brown