Trust Yourself

One of the most impactful ways I’ve learned to cultivate a positive mindset is simply to “TRUST MYSELF." Understanding for many things - no one has more information about MY situation that me.
Hey it’s Tim Brown and this is Extra Mile: Positive Thinking During COVID-19, and I’m doing this every day during lockdown so I can get good at helping people maintain a positive mindset. 

One of the most impactful ways I’ve learned to cultivate a positive mindset is simply to “TRUST MYSELF”

What this means is:

1. Understanding for many things - no one has more information about MY situation that me. 
2. Experts can give general guidance, but have you ever noticed the public information available- the answer is always “it depends”? That “it depends” means - TRUST YOURSELF
3.  Now because I’m filming this during social distancing - I feel obligated to say I’m not talking about health stuff.. I’m talking about business, marketing, job, big life choice stuff... 

For instance when I was going out on my own with my new business... I always wanted someone else to give me permission... 

Should I quit my job?
Is it the right time?
How much of a financial runway do I need?

so much of that depended on my intestinal fortitude - and I knew I did have it (a lot of people don’t) and do you have to use that understanding you have of your self to make these kinds of decisions and no one has more info about that than... You.

This was a huge revelation for me - that I had on a hiking trip in the Appalachians... I’ll share another revelation I had on that adventure tomorrow, and it’s about “false summits” 

Looking forward to it! The quick link to the podcast version is this on Spotify is 

Have a great day!

2020 Tim Brown