Life is Pain

Rather than think is existence is supposed to be comfy, I think it’s useful to come to terms with the brutality of nature – and then be grateful, because if you’re not currently experiencing pain, you are particularly lucky or blessed.
The Extra Mile – Positivity during COVID-19 is an opportunity for me to get accountability on running a mile :) and get better about helping others maintain a positive mindset.

I follow an account on Instagram called ‘@natureismetal’ and lions eat bears, and crocodiles eat buffalo. 

Sometimes when I see people blaming the government, blaming the opposition party, blaming religion, blaming atheists, or blaming their family – I feel like they are neglecting one important fact. 

Nature is brutal. Life is pain. And it’s not those people’s fault that bad things are happening. Just like there’s an incomprehensible amount of good, beautiful and inspiring things in the world – there’s also a truly mind-boggling amount of pain and death, even though I know we do our best to help others…

When it comes to our own psychology and outlook, we sometimes imagine that underlying all things it’s a bed of rose-petals, and it was was all human malice that layered on the thorns.

The thorns were there all along – and our ancestors just plucked them out one by one - with each ingenious technological advancement they discovered, from houses, to indoor heating to shoes. 

So rather than think is existence is supposed to be comfy, I think it’s useful to come to terms with the brutality of nature – and then be grateful, because if you’re not currently experiencing pain, you are particularly lucky or blessed. 

Thank you for listening! Quicklink to subscribe on Spotify “” - this is Tim Brown, join me every weekday after my mile run for a couple minutes of positivity. 
2020 Tim Brown